This page is part of the Clinical Quality Language Specification (v1.5.3: Normative - Normative) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Page standards status: Informative | Maturity Level: N/A |
This guidance describes syntactic conventions and best practices for authoring statements and expressions of Clinical Quality Language (CQL) that encourage consistency, readability, maintainability, and reusability of the resulting CQL. Throughout the discussion, the following simplified syntax element definitions are used. Formal definitions of these elements can be found in the CQL Specification.
CQL is a case-sensitive language, meaning that the grammar uses the case of letters when comparing identifiers and keywords. For example, the keyword define must be expressed with all lower case letters, Define is not recognized. This aspect of CQL encourages consistency and reduces the potential for naming clashes with keywords in the language.
This discussion defines the following terms to describe different approaches to casing:
These casings are defined by the specification, so they are not conventions per se, but are highlighted here for completeness.
Keywords within CQL are always lowercase.
System library functions are always PascalCase.
System type names are always PascalCase.
CQL treats all whitespace as a single token, meaning that it doesn't matter whether you use spaces or tabs to separate keywords and other tokens, so long as you have some whitespace as defined by the rules of the language. This allows authors to format their expressions using whatever conventions are appropriate for their environment. While this flexibility is beneficial in that it allows CQL to be used in a wide variety of settings, it can also lead to inconsistent formatting, reducing readability. As such, these simple conventions are recommended to ensure consistent formatting:
It is possible to use either tabs or multiple spaces to indent, each having advantages and disadvantages. However, authors must remain consistent within a library, avoiding using both tabs and spaces to indent simultaneously.
Indent using a single tab or a consistent number of spaces for related content. This makes it visually clear where the dependencies are in any given expression and helps to organize statements and clauses.
Always use a space after a comma. This helps to visually separate items in a list.
Never use a space before or after a period. The period in CQL is a qualifier, and adding whitespace disconnects the content visually, implying a separation that is not present.
To help maintain readability of CQL, lines should fit reasonably within standard view screens. Around 100 characters per line is a good rule of thumb.
CQL distinguishes between operators, which use symbols such as +, *, and and, and functions, which use identifiers followed by parentheses to provide the arguments to the function.
Operators are always keywords, and always lowercase.
Binary operators (operators with two arguments) are always infix.
Unary operators (operators with one argument) are always prefix.
Always use a space before and after operators.
When defining a function, always use a PascalCase identifier.
Functions always use parentheses, even if the function has no arguments.
If the function has no arguments, do not put a space between the parentheses.
Never put a space between the function name and the argument list, or between the opening and closing parentheses and the arguments.
Always use spaces after commas to separate arguments.
If necessary, an argument list can be continued across multiple lines, but keep the opening parenthesis on the same line as the function identifier, and indent subsequent lines one level.
When continuing an argument list, do not attempt to right-align indented content, as this leads to unnecessary maintenance to preserve the alignment.
Literals in CQL allow for the expression of values of each of the system-defined types.
For Quantities, always put a space between the numerical value and the unit:
45 'mg'
28 'mm[Hg]'
Intervals can be expressed based on any type that supports ordered comparison (Integer, Decimal, DateTime, Time, Quantity).
Intervals use standard mathematical notation to indicate whether the boundaries are open or closed:
Interval[1, 5]
Interval(1, 9)
Interval[@2015-01-01T00:00:00.0Z, @2016-01-01T00:00:00.0Z)
Never put a space before or after the opening or closing boundary.
Always put a space after the comma.
Lists in CQL can contain elements of any type.
Always separate the contents of the list with a space to help visually distinguish the braces from parentheses:
{ 1, 2, 3 }
Sum({ 1, 2, 3 })
Tuples in CQL contain named elements of any type.
Always separate the contents of the tuple with a space:
{ name: 'Patrick', birthDate: @2014-01-01 }
Do not put a space between the tuple element name and the value specifier (:), but always put a space between the value specifier and the value.
The Tuple keyword is optional, but this means that the empty tuple has a special construct:
{ } // empty list
{ : } // empty Tuple
The central expression construct of CQL is the query. The query construct in CQL is clause-based:
<primary source> <alias>
<with or without clauses>
<where clause>
<return clause>
<sort clause>
In general, simple queries can fit on a single line:
["Encounter, Performed": "Inpatient"] Encounter where duration in days of Encounter.period >= 120
If a query, or a clause of a query, needs more than one line, continue the clauses indented beneath the query or clause:
"Pharyngitis Encounters with Antibiotics" Pharyngitis
with ["Laboratory Test, Performed": "Group A Streptococcus Test"] Test
such that Test.result is not null
and Test.startDateTime in Interval[Pharyngitis.startTime - 3 days, Pharyngitis.stopDateTime + 3 days]
When a query needs multiple lines, each clause should start on a new line indented one level.
Syntax highlighting is an important aspect of readability. In order to enable different environments to provide consistent highlighting, the following syntactic categories are defined for CQL:
The following sections discuss best practices for authoring readable, maintainable, and reusable CQL.
Using "direct reference codes", involves declaring an identifier for a specific code in a code system, and using that directly within the logic. That's appropriate for cases where you know exactly what you want, and there's very little possibility for variation on that (i.e. systems are likely to use those codes directly, rather than have local codes that they are mapping to).
When using direct reference codes, authors should use the name of the code as defined externally to avoid introducing any potential confusion of meaning:
code "Venous foot pump, device (physical object)": '442023007' from "SNOMED-CT"
Note that for direct reference code usage, the local identifier (in the example above, the local identifier is "Venous foot pump, device (physical object)") should be the same as the description of the code within the terminology in order to avoid conflicting with any usage or license agreements with the referenced terminologies, but can be different to allow for potential naming conflicts, as well as simplification of longer names when appropriate.
Although CQL supports both version-specific and version-independent specification of and comparison to direct reference codes, artifact authors should use version-independent direct reference codes and comparisons unless there is a specific reason not to (such as the code is retired in the current code system version). Even when using version-specific direct reference codes, authors should use equivalence (~) for the comparison (again, unless there is a specific reason to use version-specific comparison with equality (=)).
Note: Using direct reference codes can be more difficult for implementations to map to local settings, because modification of the codes for local usage may require modification of the CQL, as opposed to the use of a value set which many systems already use to provide support for mapping to local codes.