Clinical Quality Language Specification
1.5.3 - Release 1 Errata 2

This page is part of the Clinical Quality Language Specification (v1.5.3: Normative - Normative) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Appendix I - FHIRPath Translation

Page standards status: Normative Maturity Level: N

This appendix provides detailed mappings for each FHIRPath function in terms of the ELM output produced.

In addition to the function mappings below, the $index accessor can be used within the FHIRPath iteration functions (i.e. FHIRPath functions that take an expression as an argument) to access the 0-based index of the current iteration.


X.aggregate(<iteration>, <init>) === Aggregate(<iteration>, <init>)

In addition, the $total accumulator can be used within the iteration and init expressions to access the current value of the accumulator.


X.abs() === Abs(X)


X.all(<condition>) === AllTrue(X $this let a: <condition> where a return a)


X.allFalse() === AllTrue(X A return not A)


X.allTrue() === AllTrue(X)


X.anyFalse() === AnyTrue(X A return not A)


X.anyTrue() === AnyTrue(X)

.as() === X as T

Note that the type argument T is expected to be a literal string and must resolve to the name of a type.


X.ceiling() === Ceiling(X)


.children(X) === Children(X)


X.combine(Y) === Flatten(\{ X, Y })


X.conformsTo(Y) === FHIRSupport.ConformsTo(Y)

Note that this mapping relies on an external library, FHIRSupport to provide conformance validation checking.


X.contains(Y) === PositionOf(Y, X) >= 0


X.convertsToBoolean() === ConvertsToBoolean(X)


X.convertsToDate() === ConvertsToDate(X)


X.convertsToDateTime() === ConvertsToDateTime(X)


X.convertsToDecimal() === ConvertsToDecimal(X)


X.convertsToInteger() === ConvertsToInteger(X)


X.convertsToQuantity() === ConvertsToQuantity(X)


X.convertsToTime() === ConvertsToTime(X)


X.count() === Count(X)


.descendants(X) === Descendants(X)


X.distinct() === distinct X


X.empty() === not exists X


X.endsWith(Y) === EndsWith(X, Y)


X.exclude(Y) === X except Y


X.exists() === exists X

X.exists(<condition>) === exists (X $this where <condition>)


X.exp() === Exp(X)


X.first() === First(X)


X.floor() === Floor(X)


X.hasValue() === X is not null


iif(X, Y) === if X then Y else null

iif(X, Y, Z) === if X then Y else Z


X.indexOf(Y) === PositionOf(Y, X) // Note carefully the order of arguments here, it’s the opposite of IndexOf


X.intersect(Y) === X intersect Y

.is() === X is T

Note that the argument T is expected to be a literal string and must resolve to the name of a type.


X.isDistinct() === Count(X) = Count(distinct X)


X.last() === Last(X)


X.lastIndexOf(Y) === LastPositionOf(Y, X) // Note carefully the order of arguments here, it’s the opposite of lastIndexOf.


X.length() === Length(X)


X.ln() === Ln(X)


X.log(B) === Log(X, B)


X.lower() === Lower(X)


X.matches(Y) === Matches(X, Y)


X.memberOf(Y) === InValueSet(X, Y) // where Y is required to be a ValueSetRef


X.ofType(T) === X $this where $this is T return $this as T

Note that the argument T is required to be a literal string, and is interpreted as the name of a type. For non-named-types, type specifier syntax applies.


X.not() === not X


now() === Now()


X.power(Y) === Power(X, Y)


X.repeat(<element>) === Repeat(X, <element>)

The type of X.repeat() is inferred as the type of:<element>).select(<element>)


X.replace(Y, Z) === Replace(X, Y, Z)


X.replaceMatches(Y, Z) === ReplaceMatches(X, Y, Z)


X.round() === Round(X)
X.round(Y) === Round(X, Y)


If the result type of is not list-valued:<element>) === X $this let a: <element> where a is not null return a

If the result type of is list-valued:<element>) === Flatten(X $this let a: <element> where a is not null return a)


X.single() === singleton from X


X.skip(Y) === Slice(X, Y, null)


X.sqrt() === Power(X, 0.5)


X.startsWith(Y) === StartsWith(X, Y)


X.subsetOf(Y) === X included in Y


X.substring(Y) === SubString(X, Y)

X.substring(Y, Z) === SubString(X, Y, Z)


X.subsumes(Y) === Subsumes(X, Y)


X.subsumedBy(Y) === SubsumedBy(X, Y)


X.supersetOf(Y) === X includes Y


X.tail() === Slice(X, 1, null)


X.take(Y) === Slice(X, 0, Coalesce(Y, 0))


timeOfDay() === TimeOfDay()


X.toBoolean() === ToBoolean(X)


X.toChars() === ToChars(X)


X.toDate() === ToDate(X)


X.toDateTime() === ToDateTime(X)


today() === Today()


X.toDecimal() === ToDecimal(X)


X.toInteger() === ToInteger(X)


X.toQuantity() === ToQuantity(X)


X.toString() === ToString(X)


X.toTime() === ToTime(X)


X.trace(Y) === Message(X, true, Y, 'Trace', ToString(X)))


X.truncate() === Truncate(X)

.union() and |

X.union(Y) === X union Y
X | Y === X union Y


X.upper() === Upper(X)


X.where(<condition>) === X $this where <condition>